ITSI Activities

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General Setup and Testing

Experiment board and header -- how they workinfo
Reading ITSI resistors and capacitorsinfo
Probe kit voltmeter - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
TMP36 temperature - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Magnetic field - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Light - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Force - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Galvanic skin response - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Conductivity - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Thermocouple - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Rotation, speed, and distance - probe constructioninfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)
Relative humidity sensor - TDKinfo
(Sensor: Raw Voltage)