The Concord Consortium Do It Yourself ProbeKit
Here is a list of materials included in the ITSI Probe Kit. They enable one to construct all of the probes listed on the ITSI site.
ITSI Probe kit contents

- Digital Multimeter
- Go-Link USB interface (Vernier) - not included
- Header with cable (Vernier)
- Experiment board
- DC motor
- Microphone

- I-amp (Instrumentation amplifier)
- Op-amp (Operational amplifier)
- Temperature Sensor (IC - integrated circuit)
- Phototransistor
- LED - Red
- LED - Green
- Hall Effect magnetic field sensor
- Magnet (1/8 x 3/8)
- Variable resistor & knob
- Assorted resistors
- Assorted mylar capacitors
- Assorted electrolytic capacitors

- Thermocouple wire (iron & constantan, type J)
- Heat shrink tubing (wire insulation, 2 colors)
- Clip leads (4)
- Solid wire (4 colors)
- Black high density anti-static foam
- Wire cutters
- Mini screwdriver
To order more supplies, go to the complete list of sources and costs (Microsoft Excel format). There may be quantity discounts. Typically, the shipping is the same for 5 or for 500 of these small electronic parts.